What Comes After The Death of Quiet Luxury?


PC: Vogue Runway, Simone Rocha


I never thought I’d say this, but even I’m getting a little tired of quiet luxury. And mind you, I’ve been a fan of the trend since before the trend even began — it’s always been my aesthetic. And yet, I find myself a little bored of the minimalist styles, seeing more and more of the same blazers, button downs, and bags. New York Fashion Week left us a little underwhelmed and uninspired, which is rare for New York, and designers are expressing their desires to break free from this current state of uniformity, too. And while there’s no going around the slowdown in luxury right now, I do spy a change in sails where styles are concerned. Where New York Fashion Week lacked, London Fashion Week packed. We expect nothing less from the city of grunge, the city of Vivienne Westwood, and the city of expressive fashion. The city, which this past week proved is still fashion’s knight in shining armor when it’s drowning in the lake of boredom. So, what comes after quiet luxury? Let’s look at some of this past week’s runway shows to predict.

Before we do, however, I do want to clarify that “quiet luxury” is never actually going to go anywhere. It’s a sort of wardrobe staple that will always look good. Like a reliable older sister or your routine morning coffee, it will always be there for you, no matter the trend, season, or your age. So when I claim another trend is underway, I don’t mean it will fully replace quiet luxury. It simply means the majority will turn towards a little more pizzaz, a little fresh personality, while our favorite minimalist styles will remain right there on the sidelines.

More Patterns, More Textures!

Finally, we’re seeing some tasteful patterns return to our wardrobes. But not in a whacky, in your face kind of way, but rather in a tasteful manner that even minimalists can enjoy. It never has to be all or nothing (minimalist or maximalist), there’s a happy medium somewhere in there that everyone can enjoy. Think rose pattern stitchings on a simple black dress, or stripes on your favorite blazer. Not just patterns, but unique textures are entering the chat as well. Just take a look at the above runway looks.

The Return of Fur?

Fur is always going to be a controversial topic. I err on the side of caution, and don’t necessarily like to promote the use of real fur. It’s impossible, however, to get through this season without the obvious return of fur. Half of Simone Rocha’s runway show looked like it was set in the Stone Age (basically everyone dressed in fur), while other designers opted for more subtle accents throughout their looks. If this is your style, I do hope you opt for faux fur alternatives. Apparis is a great place to look!

Itty Bitty Pops of Color

I was so influenced by this minimalist, quiet luxury, office-staples kind of appeal that I even started to wear gray. GRAY! Can you believe it? Ask my roommate how much I despise gray and she’ll testify just how I steer clear from that “color” (is it even a color???). And while I am proud of myself for loosening up to this dull tone, I still believe there are about 15 colors that deserve much more love and recognition. And finally, bits and bops of blue, pink, red, and green are here to liven up our ensembles.


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