The Power in Minding Your Own BUSINESS & THRIVING
PC: @kelseymerrit
There’s power in minding your own business - that’s not a secret.
And yet, rarely do people successfully do so. Based off my own conversations with strangers, many seem to be surprised at how little mind I pay to the opinions of others. Not in a bad way, but in a very calm, neutral way.
To be honest, my mind is just so full with my own thoughts, dreams, & desires that I just forget to think about others. And if you ask me, it’s actually quite easy to get to this point. You make it your passion project to work on your best life. It’s a passion project, because there’s really nothing more fun or rewarding than the investment you put in yourself.
It’s okay to spend an obscene amount of time thinking about yourself. You owe it to the life you possess to know who you are. Learn your body language, learn what pulls at your heart strings, love all the quirks about you, and love all that’s straight up beautiful about you. Begin to understand what your own style is, and learn to separate what really suits you from what’s trending on the internet right now.
Then understand what your goals are. Do you want to take a gap year and travel the world? Do you want to read 30 books in a year? Do you want to get a deeper connection with your ancestors? It really does not matter, and in a way it’s all going to result in the same outcome: you get deeply grounded in yourself.
Before you realize it, you’ve been successfully minding your own business for months. And when you finally look up at your surroundings, you’ll see that everyone is applauding you.