The 14 Best Quiet Luxury Bags YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT
PC: Pinterest
Some say quiet luxury is out and replaced by other aesthetics, like mob wife, for a more lively way of dressing. If you’re someone who rides the trends like a surfer in Bali, then go ahead and navigate your way to Tiktok’s for you page. Before its spotlight moment and even after the mic has been passed on, quiet luxury has been my favorite style to embody. Even if I didn’t always have the means to supply this style, it’s more about thoughtfully piecing the right items together to create the look than actually investing in expensive things. It is about finding the more unknown pieces and hidden labels, so if you’re smart you can get away with finding quality pieces that don’t cost thousands of dollars.
Last time, we highlighted the best quiet luxury pieces for the beach and we even shared some of our favorite mid-priced luxury bags. Today we’re combining the two to bring you the best quiet luxury bags currently on the market. Yes, they’re investment pieces (at least some of them), but they’re also items that will last you decades as neither the material nor the style are ephemeral. You’ll be getting them because they speak to you, represent you as an extension of yourself, and not because it’s the latest hottest item on Instagram.