Our Favorite Quotes from POWERFUL WOMEN
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Sometimes you just hit a wall.
Like me, for example, I’ve exhausted my engine and am beginning to question the routines of life. Even if you love what you do, adore your friends and family, and do everything seemingly “right”, no one is exempt from meeting this wall. Some might meet it more often than others, but meet you shall regardless.
At times like these, I love to pick up a new book, watch an inspiring movie, or visit a new place. Resting and stimulating the mind with renewed imagination typically does the trick for me. It helps to consume new information that previously did not exist in your head. In my most recent hunt for creative stimulation, I’ve come across a couple of quotes that jumped out of the pages (and screens) for me. I’ve been collecting them like seashells and officially have enough to list them into this lovely little article on the most inspiring quotes from powerful women. May these words elicit some fire in you, and your days can start refreshed again.
“As my beloved friend Nancy Van Fleet says, ‘There is a force in the universe forever on the side of those brave enough to trust it.’"
- Glennon Doyle
“But women are taught that the way to be successful and attractive to the world is to be selfless. From an early age, we are conditioned to ignore the voice within when considering who we are and what our goals are, and instead to look outward—to our family, friends, church, community, and even our critics. In a million different ways we ask them: What should I want? What should I be? And the more our inner whispers fade from disuse, the more our bodies speak up, trying to get our attention. We get tired. We get sick. We can’t sleep. And we ignore these voices, too. If you refuse to listen to anybody long enough, she’ll stop speaking. Which is why one day we realize we have lost our way”
- Glennon Doyle
“The key, I’ve found, is to stay the heck away from the idea of “making” someone do, feel, or think anything. This is not your job. Your job is to maximize your own happiness, kindness, and health. Let others choose whether to follow.”
- Martha Beck
“Humans are the only creature in nature that resist the pattern of ebb and flow. We want the sun to shine all night, and when it doesn’t, we create cities that never sleep”
- Martha Beck
“The mind often creates what it believes—especially if the belief is unconscious”
- Martha Beck
“I found that eating alone by the window in a quiet restaurant is one of life’s greatest secret pleasures.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert
“There has never been a you—not your particular soul, living at this particular moment, faced with your particular challenges. Your existence is a mystery, a miracle, and an experiment of creation, and you are allowed to examine that mystery to the fullest.”
- Elizabeth Gilbert
“If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world”
- Arianna Huffington
“Have you notices that when we die, our eulogies celebrate our lives very differently from the way society defines success?”
- Arianna Huffington