How To Be More Consistent With YOUR WORKOUTS
PC: Pinterest
Hello, hi, totally unprofessional fitness girly here.
I may not be a professional, but that just might be the reason why you should listen to what I have to say. Just like you, I work a 9-5 job, have pets to take care of, and friends to meet on the weekends. And still, I’ve managed to prioritize working out for the last five years, (somewhat) consistently. And no, I never had a trainer and I never joined a fitness class, I did this all on my own (proud stance). In other words, it’s totally possible to get yourself into a fitness routine that lasts with your own will power.
Seeing that it’s the start of a new year, I’m sure many of you are interested in getting into a healthier routine. And while I’m sure there are tons of articles that will tell you how to get started, consider this the “one month in” article that will tell you how to keep going. Let’s get into the how.
1. You’re not going to love it at first, but…
Your body is going to RESIST the first month or two. It’s going to fight with you and tell you your life without working out was just fine! Why go through this unnecessary sweat? It’s not even going to show you any progress in this time. It’s going to tell you it’s not working. You’re going to need to consistently fight this urge and have an anchor that will push you to keep going. For some that means having a buddy, for others it means having someone to look up to. Maybe it’s re-reading your new years resolutions. You can even whole-heartedly give yourself a break, just to be able to readjust your motivation. Eventually, come back to your original reason for wanting to workout, and get your behind onto the track/gym/class.
2. Fall in love with the feeling, not the results
A big reason why I keep going to the gym is not because I’m looking for certain results, but because I love the endorphin boost that it gives me. Lifting weights, sweating up a storm, listening to my music, gets me pumped up like no other. I could have a shit day — nay, especially when I’m having a shit day — working out makes me feel powerful. It’s the one thing in life I can have control of, even when everything else seems out of control. I can put x amount of effort in, and know for a fact it will give me b amount in return.
3. It becomes a lifestyle, not an end goal
Don’t consider working out as a thing you do for a limited time to reach a certain goal. Your goal should not be loose xx amount of weight or get abs. Your goal should be to make working out a part of your lifestyle. Just like eating lunch is or seeing friends on the weekends, your goal should be to incorporate fitness into your life as a natural thing.
4. Forgive yourself if you miss a week or two
Because it is your lifestyle now, it’s going to be natural for you to miss a week or two at times, and that’s okay! It will be right there for you to pick back up again. What’s a week in a lifetime anyway, eh? In the long run, it’s really no big feat to miss some time, so there’s no need to be upset with yourself. Be prepared for it to suck the first day or two back at the gym again, and I promise you it will be all uphill from there.
5. Once you do see results, it will become infinitely easier
And I don’t just mean that in the sense of it becoming more motivating, which it will. You’ll certainly be more excited to keep going once you see your hard work paying off. But I also mean this in the sense that you will grow muscle memory, and what once took you three months to achieve will eventually only take you one.