Easy Ways to Incorporate MORE GREENS IN YOUR DIET
PC: Pinterest
Those who hate it, just hate it. I get it! When faced with the option of lettuce and ham, there’s no denying that the flavor profiles of the latter always wins. But that doesn’t mean we should give in to the sweet smell of roasted pork 24-7. If you feel like you’ve been lacking a healthy dose of those nutritious greens, there are simple (and dare I say tasty) ways to incorporate them into your life more.
The nice thing about veggies is that there are SO many varieties of them. Don’t like broccoli? Cool! Opt for some kale instead. Hate celery? Same. Perhaps the zucchini tickles your fancy some more. All I ask is that you don’t rule out all vegetables simply because you hate a select few.
And you know what’s amazing about the body? It already knows what’s good for it and what’s not. When you start to regularly feed it healthy greens, it actually begins to signal you that it wants more. It will naturally remind you to take your daily dose of veggies. It takes some time and discipline at first, but I promise once you get into the swing of things, it will feel as natural as the foods that you consume. Today I want to present to you some easy ways to incorporate more greens into your diet. From sweet to salty, these are a few options to consuming more veggies!
Sprinkle It Into Your Soup
Juice It Or Make a Smoothie
Everyone seems to be juicing these days, and it’s time to follow suit. Not only is this a great way to incorporate more greens into your life, but important fruits and vitamins as well. Hell, you can even throw in your protein powder if that’s your style. If your biggest displeasure with vegetables are their flavor, this way of consuming greens can mask the bitter taste of many vegetables. Some easy combinations are kale, cucumbers, apple, lemon, and pineapples!
Swap Household Favorites with Veggie Alternatives
There are SO many healthy alternatives to your favorite foods. Cauliflower rice? Zucchini pasta? Chickpea pizza crust? Not only are these healthier options, but they actually taste delicious. And hey, no one’s asking you to swap out all your comfort foods for veggie versions. But alternating between this and that ever so often will always have a huge impact on your health.
Have a Side of Greens with Every Other Meal
No health conscious person has ever said they only eat salads. But tossing up a quick mix of greens next to whatever meal you are eating, be it a pizza or some pasta, is a super easy way to add an extra pang to your meal. You can even slice up some avocado onto your plate - that counts too!
Make Lettuce Wraps
Something I love about wraps is that you can get super creative with what you stuff in them. Avocados, tomatoes, cucumbers… they can all go together and wrapped into a delicious meal alongside some rice, shrimp, sauces, etc. And instead of using a typical wheat wrap, try rolling it into some lettuce instead!