Just a Bunch of Summer Recipes WE HOPE TO RECREATE
Alright, disclaimer, I did not come up with any of the following recipes. I just got tired of cooking the same 5 meals everyday, and turned to Pinterest for some inspiration. Suddenly, I had a whole board with drool-worthy content, and I’m about to share those with you.
I don’t know about you, but when it comes to the summer, I turn to much lighter foods. Less curry and more soba salad (yes I’m Japanese) kind of vibe. I’m looking for summer foods that help cool and rehydrate the body, and then incorporate them into my meals. And because our metabolisms slows down in the summer, we’re going to want to eat our dinners a little earlier and give the body enough time to digest before going to sleep. I lack the creativity to come up with a variety of meals in the kitchen, so I’m borrowing the help of internet foodie gurus to spice up my dinners. I hope you enjoy the following lighthearted summer recipes to try!
Peach Crostini
This recipe is by The Suburban Soapbox, and makes for a tasty lunch snack. Peaches are some of the best summer foods (I seriously can’t get enough of them), and they taste delicious with a little ricotta cheese and balsamic dressing.
BLT Pasta Salad
Add a healthy twist to the classic BLT combo by turning it into a salad in this recipe. Pasta salad never fail to fulfill without a guilty conscious.
Beef Bulgogi
A classic Korean dish that I find to be a wholesome meal. And while this can be enjoyed in all seasons, I personally find the array of kimchi, cucumbers, eggs, etc to make it refreshing albeit fulfilling. Follow this recipe by damndelicious.
Sweet Potato Tacos with Brussel Sprout Slaw
You’re going to want to click right here to follow this delicious recipe step by step. It’s a lighthearted vegetarian taco made with sweet potatoes, black beans, avocados, coleslaw, feta cheese and bunch of other goodness.
Caprese Salad
This one’s pretty straightforward and doesn’t exactly require a recipe. You just need some burrata, tomatoes, and basil. Drizzle some olive oil, salt, and balsamic vinegar on and you’ve got yourself a healthy, summer friendly plate.
Broccoli Pesto Pasta
Make your own broccoli pesto with this incredible recipe by Platings and Pairings. With some tasty basil, parmesan, and walnuts, you can indulge in this healthy(ish) filling meal.
Chili Lime Shrimp Wraps
Need a lightweight meal to just close out the evening? Follow this recipe by Clean food crush if you’re a shrimp and avocado fanatic like me. It wont be as filling as it lacks the carbs, but it’s a lean summer meal that feels fresh and healthy.